Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

Contemplative Spiritual Direction is companioning with another to offer prayerful space to be attentive to the presence, voice and work of the Lord.

We come to Spiritual Direction with trusting that the Lord Is present, He loves us beyond comprehension and is constantly initiating toward us.

Spiritual Direction is inherently Spirit-led – and the true Spiritual Director is the Holy Spirit. It takes place in an atmosphere of prayerful listening and generous solitude. As the director, I listen deeply on behalf of my directee, holding prayerful space as they remain attentive to the presence and work of the Lord. While it is newer among protestant believers, it has been practiced for hundreds of years and has its roots in the 3rd century Desert Fathers.

Direction takes place usually for an hour each month in either an individual or group setting.

Spiritual Direction is not counseling, mentoring, Christian friendship, Bible study or discipleship.

The Need for Spiritual Direction

The noise in our world and even our own minds can be deafening. We are accustomed to constant stimulation and we move through life in a frenzy, always producing, one activity bleeding into the next, crossing another thing off our list. But over time, living with this lack of mental white space can leave our souls parched and barren. Depleted
and worn out.

As Image Bearers of the Most High, we are called to live as Jesus lived. The busyness of His earthly ministry was punctuated by times of rest and solitude.

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

“But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed.” (Luke 5:16)

“Jesus went out to a mountain side to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” (Luke 6:12). 

Jesus offers a better way. A slower pace. A spacious space. Rest. Solitude. Sabbath.

Spiritual Direction gives the gift of quiet space to turn down the volume of everyday life to listen to God’s still small voice and a place to consider questions like these…

How are things with your soul?
How are you experiencing God’s presence in your day-to-day life?
How is the Lord meeting you in your hard places and trials?

Who Can Benefit from Spiritual Direction?

  • Any Christian who longs for a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord – anyone who wants more.
  • Those experiencing transition.
  • Weary pilgrims.
  • Anyone walking through grief.
  • Those who might be asking, in their current circumstances, “God, where are you in this?”
  • Those who want to cultivate their own attentiveness to the Lord’s presence and work in their lives.


In June 2023, I received a Graduate Certificate in Spiritual Direction from Selah – Leadership Transformations. Selah: Certificate in Spiritual Direction – Leadership Transformations

Just as Selah in scripture means “pause,” I was trained not only in the practice of Spiritual Direction but also to embrace a Selah way of life…slowing down, seeking to notice the Lord in all things.

In addition to offering individual and group Spiritual Direction, I am also eager to introduce reflective practices to others.

I’m available to lead classes, workshops and to facilitate silent and reflective retreats.

For more information, contact me at: andrea.heaveninordinary@gmail.com